
Can You Run a Business Without Social Media

2025-03-05T17:15:26+00:00Categories: Social Media|Tags: |

For fellow introverts, old souls, and sensitive creators feeling trapped in this cycle: there is another way. You don't have to participate in the content creation marathon if it drains your spirit. Sometimes the bravest business decision is choosing to build connection on your own terms.

The 4 Best Marketing Tips For Authentic Promotion

2025-02-20T23:41:55+00:00Categories: Author Platform, Social Media, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

While working in the corporate world, it wasn't long before I realized the "best marketing tips" were actually quite inauthentic. The slow grind of trying to weigh my personal core values with the values of the company left me off balance in my career choice. Did I really want to take part in pulling the

Substack About Page: 3 Easy Tips You Need to Know

2025-02-20T23:09:23+00:00Categories: Author Platform|Tags: |

Have you updated your Substack About page? I didn’t know it existed either until I took a class. It’s really quite simple to update. Or maybe you knew it was there but had no idea what to put on that page. After all, not everyone is marketing-minded and that's ok. I'll walk you through 3

The Best Mindset Advice: Self-Published Authors Success

2025-02-02T02:08:12+00:00Categories: Author Platform|Tags: |

The real success isn’t in dollar signs or books sold, but in the journey you’ve taken to get where you are now. Word by word, we find our way - not to say “I have arrived” but to say, “I came all this way.”

How to Make Your Book Front Matter and Back Matter

2025-02-02T02:04:15+00:00Categories: Book Launch|Tags: |

If you are aiming for a professional looking book, then you should care what goes in the front matter and the back matter of your book. Amateurs will often forgo adding in a table of contents or skip their author bio page. This makes your book come off as poorly written. Readers expect certain pages to exist in your book. If you care about the quality of your book, then you’ll want to pay attention to details such as your front and back matter.

Writer Collaboration Magic to Explode Your Reach

2024-12-17T17:19:43+00:00Categories: Author Platform|Tags: , , |

When people think of writers and authors, they don't usually think of writer collaboration. They don't envision networking, team effort, or making friends. Writing can be a fun way to find other people that are in the same genre as you--you can learn quite a bit from other authors.

Use AIDA to Make Your Writing Business Stand Out

2024-12-12T23:36:56+00:00Categories: Author Platform|Tags: |

For the last decade, I’ve worked in marketing departments promoting everything from crystal awards to welding materials and financial products. But when I started writing books, it was unfamiliar. I was not only promoting my book, but myself. Every written word might make or break my writing business. Even so, there were things that my

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