Hey, fellow writer!

michelle buck authorMichelle Buck believes bookmarks are for quitters.

Michelle Buck is an aspiring writer, having dipped her toes into self-publishing, but fell headfirst into an ocean of Marketing as a Digital Marketing Specialist.

Michelle started out in her formative years writing poetry and journaling gooey love sentiments to her secret crush. After the unfortunate experience of her siblings numerous exploits at spilling the tea, Michelle pursued other adventures as she grew into adulthood, leaving her secret crush in the wind.

Writing has continued to play a part in her Marketing job roles – everything from copywriting product descriptions, writing blog posts, and using imagery and copy to attract buyers on social media and email.

In 2020, she graduated from Sessions College of Professional Design with an Associates Degree in Advertising Design. The College awarded her “Outstanding Graduate” in November of 2021.

One of her articles was published at Quiet Revolution, a website run by author Susan Cain.





During the pandemic, her first book, The 7 Day Pinterest Plan was published on Amazon KDP. Michelle works full-time as a writer and author after her leaving her full-time marketing job. You can find her newest book here.

Pinterest Plan for Business

NEW! Updated August 2024 – Pinterest for Business Plan (Print Book)

Why Tell the Trees?

I’m passionate about helping new authors grow their platforms and connect with readers. The name of my site was inspired by the amazing communication networks that exist in forests.

Did you know that trees are connected to each other through vast underground fungal networks? These hidden “wood wide webs” allow trees to share nutrients and even send distress signals to warn each other of danger. In a sense, trees are constantly communicating and supporting one another beneath the surface.

I chose the name Tell the Trees because, like those interconnected forests, I aim to create a supportive community where authors can share knowledge, ideas, and encouragement. Through my resources on author platforms, social media marketing, and book launches, I want to help you tap into your own networks and amplify your voice.

The name also speaks to the creative journey that led many of us to become writers in the first place. As a child, I would often sit alone in the woods, dreaming up stories and telling them to my friends, the trees. Eventually, I started writing those tales down, and that’s what sparked my path to becoming an author. (Thank you Tolkien for making trees come alive. It adds even more depth to my view of trees).

At my core, I believe there’s something magical about the way stories, like seeds, can be planted in an author’s mind, nurtured over time, and eventually shared out in the world through the pages of a book – pages that of course come from trees! I hope Tell the Trees can be a place where your own author’s journey is nourished, and where your stories and dreams can come alive.

So welcome to this forest of creativity and community. I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things grow from the stories you’ve been telling the trees.

Connect with Michelle Buck!