
Launching a Brand Story That Your Audience Will Love

2024-12-12T22:30:41+00:00Categories: Author Platform, Social Media|Tags: |

Personal branding and creating a brand story is a great way for others to understand who you are and what you do, as well as where you want to go. Learn how to launch your personal brand with these tips.

3 Sure Fire Ways To Secure Your Online Presence

2025-02-13T23:32:54+00:00Categories: Author Platform|Tags: , |

Let's talk about your online presence. I wrote about the benefits of personal branding yesterday, so I wanted to follow up with some strategies. (Here’s the post if you missed it.) It’s bizarre to think that I’ve been blogging on and off since 2000. I have had several blogs discussing everything from Christianity to self-care to homeschooling

Why You Need to Focus on Personal Branding

2024-11-25T20:12:28+00:00Categories: Author Platform|Tags: , |

Personal Branding is more than just your photo. It’s not just a buzz word. The term “branding” simply means how others perceive you and your business. Personal branding isn’t necessarily the same as business branding, although it certainly helps your business.

Do I need to use social media to market my book?

2024-11-25T18:40:55+00:00Categories: Social Media|Tags: |

Most of the gurus will tell you that you need social media to market your book. When I started this website, I was intent that I wanted to write more about marketing and less about self-publishing. After all, there is a plethora of blogs out there dedicated to educating new authors about self-publishing. My focus

Create a Book Marketing Plan on a Shoestring Budget

2024-11-25T20:14:09+00:00Categories: Book Promotion Guide|Tags: |

It is possible to get traction for your books without spending a lot of money, however creating a book marketing plan without money means you’ll sacrifice your time to get there. Even $50 a month can help promote your book and bring it into view faster than organic efforts (non-paid). With Amazon Ads, you can

Self-Publishing & Pinterest for Business

2024-08-13T21:55:34+00:00Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |

When self-publishing your books, does it make sense to use Pinterest for Business? Pinterest for Business is not a typical social media platform. Instead, it's more like a search engine. Pinterest refers to its platform as a "visual discovery engine". While search engines pull up website link results, Pinterest results are in the form of

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